- National institutes of health: Analysis of gender differences in anesthesiology research funding
- An Investigation of Gender Representation and Collaboration in Academic Plastic Surgery Research
- A retrospective analysis of medical student authorship in highest impact radiology journal publications
- Responding to: Rethinking Leadership in Academic Medicine: Embracing a Broader Definition of Success : Original article: Sticky Floor, Broken Ladder, and Glass Ceiling in Internal Medicine Academic Ranking, Leadership, and Research Productivity
- Correlation Between Gender of Department Chairs and Paid Parental Leave Benefits in Academic Dermatology Residency Programs
- Assessment of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility Fellowship Programs Website
- Faculty diversity trends in physical medicine and rehabilitation by gender, race, and ethnicity in the United States, 1977-2021
- Impact factors and publication times of original scientific research in radiology journals
- Gender disparity among top North American medical schools and their affiliated radiology departments: Medical school vs Radiology - Gender Diverse?
- Catalyzing Increased Representation of Women in Radiology: Role of Radiology Interest Groups
- Assessing and improving women representation in radiology leadership positions
- Insights from North American radiology grand rounds: Determining patterns of gender bias in professional introductions
- Racial Disparities in Immediate Breast Reconstruction after Mastectomy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
- Trends in Gender, Racial, and Ethnic Representation Among US Neurology Faculty
- Impact of department chair gender on paid parental leave across American anaesthesiology residencies
- Gender disparity in Canadian Institutes of Health Research funding within neurology
- ACR Appropriateness Criteria® Penetrating Torso Trauma
- Sticky Floor, Broken Ladder, and Glass Ceiling in Internal Medicine Academic Ranking, Leadership, and Research Productivity
- Disparities in the Representation of Sex, Race and Ethnicity in Tension-Type Headache Clinical Trials
- Evaluating Artificial Intelligence Competency in Education: Performance of ChatGPT-4 in the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) Radiography Certification Exam
- Analysis of Additional Degrees in Academic Plastic Surgery Faculty
- Ivory tower in MD/PhD programmes: sticky floor, broken ladder and glass ceiling
- Assessing sex and gender equity in submission guidelines of radiology journals: A cross-sectional study
- Gender and race in radiology: An intersectional analysis of the American Association of Medical Colleges (AAMC) database from 1966 to 2021
- Gender, Race, and Ethnicity of US Academic Ophthalmology Faculty and Department Chairs From 1966 to 2021
- Sex distribution in clinical trials of radiologic contrast agents: A 27-year review
- Gender inclusivity of ophthalmology journal submission guidelines and associated research metrics
- Gender Disparity in Academic Trauma Surgery: The Current State of Affairs
- Approach to Acute Traumatic and Nontraumatic Diaphragmatic Abnormalities
- Increasing Diversity in Canadian Radiology: From the Hiring Process to Needed Active Retention Efforts
- Utility of Dual-Energy Computed Tomography in Clinical Conundra
- A trend, analysis, and solution on women's representation in diagnostic radiology in North America: a narrative review
- Advancing Diversity in Microbiology: A 55-Year Retrospective Analysis
- Gender distribution of North American professional radiology society award recipients
- The Role of Dual-Energy CT in Solid Organ Injury
- End of Affirmative Action-Who Is Impacted Most? Analysis of Race and Sex Among US Internal Medicine Faculty
- Organizational Leadership Gender Differences in Medical Schools and Affiliated Universities
- Gender and Racial Diversity in Relation to Publication Rates at the Canadian Association of Radiology Annual Scientific Meetings 2016 to 2019
- Entering the Misinformation Age: Quality and Reliability of YouTube for Patient Information on Liposuction
- Disability, an often-overlooked aspect of equity, diversity, and inclusion among radiology departments in Canada and the United States
- Gender Differences in Academic Rank, Leadership, and Awards Among NIH Grant Recipients in Diagnostic Radiology
- Assessment of Neurology Residency Program Websites Across North America During COVID-19
- Dual-Energy CT in the Acute Setting: Bowel Trauma
- Evaluation of Canadian urology residency and fellowship program websites
- Representational disparity of sex, race, and ethnicity in presbyopia clinical trials: a cross-sectional study
- Ethnic and Gender Diversity in Pathology: A Dream Deferred
- Gender disparity in Canadian Institutes of Health Research grant funding decisions among recipients from dermatology departments: a retrospective study
- The Virtual Face of Colon and Rectal Surgery Training in the USA: An In-Depth Evaluation and Analysis of Fellowship Programs Website Content
- Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Radiology: Prioritizing Trainee Involvement
- Gastropulmonary fistula following sleeve gastrectomy: use of dual-energy CT following oral contrast administration to confirm diagnosis
- The Intersection of Diversity and Well-Being
- An Evaluation of the Content of Canadian Plastic Surgery Residency Websites
- Provision of Culturally Competent Healthcare to Address Healthcare Disparities
- Are We Publishing What We Present in Plastic Surgery? The Conversion Rates of Presentations to Publications in North American Plastic Surgery Meetings
- Equity, diversity & inclusion in academic radiology: An elusive dream
- Gender disparity among ophthalmologists awarded Canadian institute of health research grants
- Trends in Racial and Gender Profiles of United States Academic Emergency Medicine Faculty: Cross-Sectional Survey From 2007 to 2018
- Gender Differences Among Academic Radiation Oncology National Institutes of Health (NIH) Funding Recipients
- Burnout: Turning a Crisis Into an Opportunity
- Extra credit for disruption: trend of disruption in radiology academic journals
- Equity, diversity, and inclusion in academic American otolaryngology faculty: an elusive dream
- Disparities in Psoriasis Clinical Trials: A Cross-Sectional Analysis
- Gender Disparity in Surgical Device Patents: A Five-year Trend From Canada and the United States
- Gender Disparity in Surgical Device Patents: A 5-year Trend From Canada and the United States
- Racial and Gender Profile of Public Health Faculty in the United States of America
- Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion: Calling, Career, or Chore?
- Subscription-based and open access dermatology journals: the publication model dilemma
- Sticky Floor and Glass Ceilings in Academic Medicine: Analysis of Race and Gender
- Disparities in Alopecia Clinical Trials: An Analysis of Female and Minority Representation
- ACR Appropriateness Criteria® Dyspnea-Suspected Cardiac Origin (Ischemia Already Excluded): 2021 Update
- Influences of the Social Media Continuum Model in Radiology: Theory and Reality
- Pioneering EDI in Canadian Academic Radiology
- Cross-Sectional Analysis of Canadian Anesthesiology Residency Program Website Content
- Investigating Gender Differences in Canadian Plastic Surgery Online Patient Education
- Gender and Racial Profile of the Academic Pediatric Faculty Workforce in the United States
- Sticky Floor, Broken Ladder, and Glass Ceiling in Academic Obstetrics and Gynecology in the United States and Canada
- Diversity and Inclusion in Internal Medicine Training Programs: An Unfulfilled Dream
- Gender and Racial Disparity Among US Forensic Psychiatry Fellows: Broken System by Default
- Working Towards Gender and Racial Diversity in Pediatric Residency Programs in the United States
- Understanding Distribution of Gender and Race across Consultation Liaison Psychiatry in USA
- Gender disparities in the National Institutes of Health funding for hematologic malignancies and cellular therapies
- Microaggressions in Radiology: "Death by a thousand cuts"
- Gender Differences in Faculty Rank and Leadership Positions Among Physician Biochemistry Faculty in North America: A Retrospective, Cross-Sectional Study
- Gender and Racial Trends among Geriatric Psychiatry Fellows in the USA: A Call to Action
- Gender and Racial Disparity among Addiction Psychiatry Fellows in the United States
- Gender-Inclusive Fellowship Naming and Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Radiology: An Analysis of Radiology Department Websites in Canada and the United States
- Gender of Department Chair and Paid Parental Leave Benefits in Academic Radiology Residency Programs
- The Global Reading Room: A Missed Incidental Finding
- ACR Appropriateness Criteria® Suspected Acute Aortic Syndrome
- The State of Diversity in Academic Plastic Surgery Faculty across North America
- Sex Disparity Among Canadian Cardiologists in Academic Medicine: Differences in Scholarly Productivity and Academic Rank
- Sticky Floor, Broken Ladder, and Glass Ceiling: Gender and Racial Trends Among Neurosurgery Residents
- Disparities in pediatric clinical trials for acne vulgaris: A cross-sectional study
- Gender and Racial Trends Among Vascular Neurology Fellowship Programs: By Design or By Default
- Gender disparity in dermatologic society leadership: A global perspective
- Representation of sex, race, and ethnicity in pivotal clinical trials for dermatological drugs
- Need for Speed: Investigating Publication Times and Impact Factors of Plastic Surgery Journals
- Underreporting of race and ethnicity in paediatric atopic dermatitis clinical trials: a cross-sectional analysis of demographic reporting and representation
- Leadership gender disparity in the fifty highest ranking North American universities: Thematic analysis under a theoretical lens
- Impact of 24/7 Onsite Emergency Radiology Staff Coverage on Emergency Department Workflow